Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Applying The Law Of Attraction

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “HOW DID THEY DO THAT?”  
These people seem to have it all – wealth, relationships, vitality...
Well let me tell you, I used to think just like that.  I felt I wasn’t living my life to its utmost potential.  Like I was missing out on some secret that these people had.
That is, until I learned there was a secret I was missing out on!

Now perhaps you’re thinking – “That’s no secret.  Everyone today has heard of the Law of Attraction.”  This is true.  The Law of Attraction is all over the news these days.  From “The Secret” to experts selling their self-help seminars and books, it’s a wonder that everyone hasn’t already achieved the life they’ve always wanted. That’s because people are still missing a big piece of the story that involves the TRUE SECRET. That's how to actually apply the secret! 

Let me introduce you to Bradley Thompson, self-development author, expert in his field, and creator of The Law of Attraction Pro.  His all-inclusive, straight forward  program helped me go from wishing for the life I always wanted, to actually making it happen.  
Trust me, this is like no other program out there and now the secret can be YOURS.  Imagine what you would change:
===>  Maybe a larger bank balance?
===>  Perhaps a more joyous and fulfilling life?
===>  Or how about finally making that special connection with your perfect partner?

All this, and more, is within your reach with Law of Attraction Pro.  Don’t hesitate.  This amazing program helped me change my life in ways I never imagined, and it can for you too!  

You can actually get your Law of Attraction Training  and start being the person others will ask to themselves “HOW DID THEY DO THAT?”

Here's to Your Success,

Friday, April 7, 2017

Financial Independence Advice: From Bankruptcy to Billionaire

It’s Time to Live Your Dream Life-Learn from Someone who went from bankruptcy to billionaire!  I wanted to share some words of advice from my Billionaire friend Bill Bartmann on achieving any goal and living the life you desire.

Bill often says, “I'm the only slaughterhouse worker to ever become a billionaire.” Because of that, he says people think that he is some kind of success mutant. It's a nice story, but it's also patently wrong.  The truth of the matter is he has actually failed more times than almost anyone on the planet.  He has been a millionaire three times...bankrupt twice...and a billionaire once?  The reason he’s been able to bounce back and succeed time and time again isn't because he’s a success "mutant," it's because he knows ONE thing.  He has figured out how to set and achieve any goal he desires.  More specifically, there are basic secrets to success  that he systematically employs.  And he says when you use them, you'll turn into a success "mutant" too.  He teaches individuals how to succeed in business even in tough times.  Mr. Bartmann has had many challenges in his life to include being completely bankrupt with cars reposed and many other life challenges ... to become wealthy.   He was homeless at age 14, a member of a street gang and a high-school dropout.  However, he took control of his life by taking the GED exam and putting himself through college and law school.  Ironically, Bill made his first fortune during a recession. Now he is living the billionaire lifestyle. 

Here are five of his basic success strategies to live your dreams: 

(1)    Go after big crazy dreams & goals
a.  Make sure it’s your goal and you’re not trying to make someone else happy
b.  Aim high.  You should shoot for the moon, and if you miss you’ll still be among the stars
c.  Develop your plan of action
(2)    Tell yourself that you WILL succeed (through positive self-talk and affirmations)
(3)     Envision the results, by looking ahead
(4)     Share your desires with others
(5)     Start today.  Take ACTION! Move towards what you want

Check out Bill Bartmann's rags to riches story.  Now Bill is at it again and you should check this out.   Bill says, "If you are not living the life of your dreams I can promise you that it likely has noting to do with YOU and everything to do with your APPROACH.  Change your approach and watch everything else change."  If he did it, then we can LEARN how to do it too!

It’s time to start living your dream life, but first you must develop your plan of action and this is where I can help you.  Contact me today for assistance in creating your success action plan or pick up a copy of my book.   

Here's to your Future Success,

In Pursuit of HAPPINESS

In Pursuit of HAPPINESS, wow! I love the way that sounds, so poetic.

Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “ The greatest thing in this world is not so much where you are, but in what direction you are moving;” so I’m going to get you started with moving in the right direction today!  And Stephen Covey said, you need to “Live out of your imagination, not your history.”  So I believe that you can start changing your destiny today because I know so many people have shared with me that they are sick and tired of struggling- and exhausted with the hand that life has dealt them.  So, instead of focusing on what caused you to get to where you are, let’s agree together that you will make some changes in your life -starting today- from the inside out.

So what are you going to start aiming for today? I'm going to start searching for a publishing company for my new book, what about you?  Remember, the sky is the limit.  You have unlimited possibilities before you!  So….  What do want your “new” life to look like? What are you willing to change (or give up) today–at this moment- in order to gain  what you truly desire for yourself, and for your life tomorrow?  … can you write some of these things down on paper?

The stepping stones for achieving, or reaching your level of desired success is simple.  It can be outlined or summarized in six simple steps:

  1. ·    First, adopt the right mindset- (You have to train your mind for success and start to point your thoughts & actions in the right direction.) You must  consistently aim for success.
  2. ·   Second, follow a prescribed success formula or path that others have taken.  Learn and follow the patterns of success from those who have already done what you want to do (duplication is key!)
  3. ·    Third, take steps everyday (perfect practice) towards doing the work to achieve your goals.
  4. ·    Forth, keep focused on what is important and what you are trying to accomplish, (focus ONLY on what you desire & want to accomplish).
  5. ·    Fifth, become self-aware, manage your emotions.  Also, you will need to develop a strong belief system that is aligned with your goals and desires. 
  6.       ·   Sixth, start acting like the person that you want to become; it’s that simple!

It’s been said that if you aim for nothing, you’ll hit it every time. So you must have something worthy to aim for & hope for; a dream that you can hold close to your heart and never let out of sight. Let me tell you, when people lose hope they get into a rut, get anxious, and become very cynical - that is negative & pessimistic.  And being negative often leads to a poor attitude and a loss of hope.
So start thinking about positive thoughts, and visualizing exciting things for your future; just begin to go in the direction of your dreams.

I am in pursuit of complete happiness and on a journey to abundant success.  What about you?

Dr. Amy

Self-Help: Can You Use a Do Over in Your Life?

Are You in Need of a Do Over?

Have you ever wished you had a second chance to make up for all of the things that did not go right in your life?  Or better yet, a second chance to do all of the things that you did not do in life but really wanted to do?  Well Groundhog Day is your chance to make up for lost time.  Groundhog Day is often associated with do-overs, or a chance to redeem yourself and recommit to your goals and dreams.  Just like in the movie Groundhog Day we oftentimes get the life lessons we need to help us grow and develop, but we don’t follow them.  We are often given the same lessons over and over again …. some of us will get it, but many of us won’t. Many people will continue to do what they have always done because of their habitual habits and conditioning brought on by the strong control of the subconscious mind.  But you can still make changes and create new habits.  

In reality, it takes only about 21 days for something to become a habit, or for something to be ingrained in the subconscious mind.  Remember, you are actually programming your subconscious with the things that you focus on and think about most often.  So why not take this day to start your life makeover and make this the first day of a 21 day do-over.  Change your future by focusing on what you desire and move away from the past; it's time to let it go!  Do one thing differently from what you did yesterday.  Think one new thought from what you thought yesterday.  I dare you to step out of your comfort zone and take steps towards living your new life.  Instead of repeating the same experience in your mind, or the same day over and over again, why not decide today that you will make some changes in your life for the better.  Believe it or not, what you have been dreaming of is probably staring you right in the face. Why not take steps to secure it now, before you lose it forever.   You can do it!

Yes You Can do it, and I am going to help you by inviting you to attend one of our upcoming Weekend Training Seminars  designed to help you expand your mindset and assist you with getting started on the road to entrepreneurial success by propelling your wealth building knowledge to the next level.  

At these training seminars you will learn:

§  How to Create the Mindset to Reach Abundant Success and eliminate limiting beliefs and personal stumbling blocks;
§  How to utilize the Law of Attraction and other natural laws of the universe to enhance your life; and
§  How to Create Multiple Streams of Income; to include:
o   Steps to start a new business or entrepreneurial endeavor to take advantage of major tax breaks
o   Techniques to invest in real estate & other high yielding investments
o   How to implement the wealth formula to live the life of your dreams

If you are ready for a do-over in 2017, then allow me and my panel of expert speakers to motivate and empower you down the road to abundant success.  We are also planning to take these training seminars on the road in 2017 and come to you!  That's right, let me know if you would like us to bring this training  to your city or town and we will schedule a Saturday date for your city.  Look out for more details coming very soon.

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy
The Prescription To Reach Abundant Success

Another Personal Development Strategy

Develop Patience on your Journey to Success 

Do you need to work on practicing more patience in your life? We all have probably heard that patience is a virtue:  an asset, a good quality, and an excellent feature. Yet, too many of us do not use this valuable skill as often as we should.  In this fast paced world that we currently live in, patience is something that is rarely seen and demonstrated these days.  And as a result, too many people are stressed out in their lives and suffering from many different illnesses.  

Did you know that several diseases and illnesses first starts with a high level of impatience, which later culminates into chronic stress, which leads to a break down in the functioning of the immune system.  Believe it or not, the effects of stress on the immune system causes it to work less effectively, oftentimes leaving the body more vulnerable to illnesses such as infections, cancers and other diseases –all because of a lack of patience.  Immune deficiency disorders are the result of a malfunctioning or weakened immune system, failing to fight off foreign cells (which can lead to cancer); and autoimmune is an overactive and confused immune system, failing to recognize its own cells and tissues (which can lead to arthritis or lupus).  According to research, type A personality people, who are impatient and aggressive are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease because their fast rising anger and impatience can cause  hormonal changes that can harmfully affect their coronary health; thus, leading to the development of heart conditions.

This is why I am so amazed when I see grown adults acting in extremely impatient and inappropriate ways.  It is totally unbelievable and very troubling for me. Impatient people get irritated if the lines are too long at the grocery store; annoyed if someone is driving too slow on the highway and belligerent if they accidentally cut them off; and their impatient thoughts  actually causes them to get extremely angry and out of control when they do not get their needs met very quickly.

Yes, I have actually witnessed grown people showing their cantankerous behaviors in public and having temper tantrums.  If this describes you, then please make a few changes before the situation gets totally out of control and something severe happens; or even worse it escalates into a psychological illness.  Yes, it can happen!  There is actually a mental illness called 'cyclothymia disorder' that is a type of “impatience madness.” Cyclothymia refers to a person who is in a constant state of flux between a severely elevated mood and feelings of depression.  Now I know you don’t want to end up developing cyclothymia, so why not start making some positive changes today; develop more patience!  

Why not embrace a new life commitment and join me on a self-controlling endeavor to practice more patience?   

Here are some simple tips that should help you with this new endeavor to practice more patience:
(1)      Stop taking on so many tasks at the same time and try focusing on completing one major goal or activity at a time.  This way it will reduce your chances of getting frustrated or burned out; thus, allowing more time for patience.      
(2)     Plan to leave for your destination at least 15 minutes earlier than you currently do so you are not stressed out by unforeseen delays or uncontrollable situations towards your destiny; thus, allowing more time for patience.      
(3)     Practice simple acts of kindness.  As an alternative to being impatient with, and rude to others, why not plan to assist or help that person out instead.  
(4)     Practice silence in times of negativity and stress.  Instead of responding to everything that you see, hear, or experience right away, why not take the time to remove yourself from the negative or stressful situation and ponder how you could respond to the situation in a calm and collected manner. 
(5)    When you start to feel impatient or overwhelmed, give yourself an adult timeout.  Stop right at that moment -count to ten- and start to take some deep breaths to clear the toxins out of your mind and body. Continue to do this until you start feeling calm again. 

Do you need to work on developing more patience in your life? If the answer is yes, then there is no better time than now - today- to start the change process.    
Your Success coach,

Dr. Amy

You can retrain your mind a little bit everyday….

 You can retrain your mind a little bit everyday by consciously replacing a bad or negative thought with a positive or good one. Instead of fixating on what you do not want, do not have, or cannot do; instead place all of your focus and attention on what you actually want to accomplish.  
Start today by incorporating healthier thought habits.
Your success coach,

What Dreams, Goals, and Plans have you yet to accomplish?

As many of you may already know, I am a dreamer and a big time goal oriented person. In light of this, I am so proud to say that I am today living from my dreams, and have absolutely nothing to complain about.  I do owe a great deal of gratitude to being the goal oriented person that I am to a life strategies class that I took in my freshman year of undergraduate school at Winthrop College in Rockhill, South Carolina. As a final project for this class, we had to complete a goal setting project that consisted of designing/projecting our lives for the next twenty-five to thirty years in the future.  Now you know when you tell an 18 year old to do anything that forces them to look past the next 30 – 90 days can become a massive challenge in of itself.  But I hung in there, persevered, and painfully completed the project.  As I reflect back to my original goal-setting plan I am delighted to know that even back then I was willing to step out of my comfort zone and dream big.  I stretched the boundaries of my mindset, pushed through the limits of my thinking, and pressed beyond what I saw with my eyes as possible for myself... and I want to encourage you to do the same thing today. I am so proud that I did not let my limited environment dictate my future. 

Today, I have approached the end of that thirty year mark and am very proud to say that fortunately, I have achieved almost every one of those goals.  Now, I'm preparing to establish my footprint and roadmap for the next decade to come.  What about you? What dreams and desires have you yet to accomplish?  I know that so many people have given up on pursuing their life dreams because “life” got in the way.  They got married, started having children, and started putting everyone else’s needs before their own, which happens sometimes. All of a sudden it wasn’t enough money or time to pursue the things that was in your heart.  Instead, you started putting limits on yourself and started focusing on what you should not do, could not have, or could not afford. But I’m here to remind you – that it is not too late to pursue what's inside your heart.  You just need to start concentrating on HOW you can make it possible for yourself and for your family; you can do it!  Instead of saying it can’t be done, why not start focusing on developing a plan of action to bring your desires to fruition in small increments - by taking small steps everyday.  You just need to get started today doing something towards reaching your desires. 

So here’s how you can get started:  plan to announce to your family that there will be some positive changes coming really, really soon!  Then take action everyday towards bringing those dreams and desires to realization; you can do it!   Start by answering these five basic questions: 
1)  What limits are you putting on yourself today that may be holding you back? 
2) What are you holding on to, or NOT doing today because you are still being led by the past? 
3) What dreams and goals are you not pursuing today because you still have a deep down fear of failure?
4) What do you need to change today, to start anew tomorrow?
5) What major tasks, actions, or proceedings are you putting off today, that you know are long overdue?   

If you want to live a better life then you must STOP putting off for tomorrow what you can and should be doing today!  Remember, life waits for no one; get it done today!

I would love to see your comments on this subject ….. What dreams, goals, and plans have you yet to accomplish, but know that it’s time to make some changes?
Your Success Coach,
Dr. Amy


The Universe is constantly reinforcing what we believe to be true.  What you constantly focus on is what you will attract to your life.  This is based on the law of attraction, which says that what we focus on will expand - positive or negative.  

If your mind is focused without fail on success, wealth, and abundance, then by scientific law your outer world will eventually mirror this back to you.  Likewise, if you harbor beliefs of scarcity, negativity, or inferiority, the outer world will constantly give you evidence to suggest this is true.

Change your mindset, so you can change your life! Become prosperity conscious and learn how to develop a success mindset. 

I can help you!

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy


"Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime!" 

When in a relationship – be it a friendship, family member, associate, lover, or co-worker – someone will always be more advanced than the other in many different areas.  If you find yourself ‘feeling’ like you are on a lower playing field than the other person it will become vitally important for you to concentrate all of your efforts first, on upgrading your self-esteem, and then second, on enhancing your weaknesses. 
Rather than spending all of your time feeling ‘inadequate’ around the other person why not instead focus your attention on learning how to step UP closer to where that person is.  Of course you must be willing to take it one day at a time; ask them questions, watch their actions, study how they handle stuff.  Talk through your feeling so you can eliminate all of your mediocrity.  

Learn how to strive for excellence so you can move up to the next level in your life. 

On the other hand, if you are the person who has more knowledge, experience, status, and/or wealth than the other person then you should be extending an arm out to pull that friend UP - without any kind of condescending remarks or behavior.  Teach them what you know! Expose them to your environment.  For the VALUE of a TRUE friendship is being able to inspire someone else to step-up in life; teaching them to fish. After all, there is absolutely no value in both of you residing at the bottom of the barrel- in other words, don't lower your standards; upgrade them!

Keep this in mind:  WE SHOULD NEVER COMPETE WITH THE PEOPLE WE LOVE.  Our job should always be to help them grow and develop their mindset by sharing our knowledge & wisdom so they can learn how to fish for themselves.  Now, if they choose not to take a hand and come up, then that is solely up to them.  That’s when you will need to say, “Catch me if you can.”       

The point is this:  You should never allow someone else to pull you down to where they are!  Instead, always inspire them to step out of their cocoon and stretch UP to where you are.  From there, grow together!

"Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime!" 

Your Success Coach,


Do you realize that it is always better to try new things and fail at it, rather than to stay stagnate and not allow yourself to grow?  When you start trying new things, your mind expands.  Yet when you stop trying, you stop growing and developing.  Know that is always better to try and fail, than not to have tried at all.  If you never try, you will never get in the game. 

In the words of  our 26th President Theodore Roosevelt"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

Never stop trying!

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy


Do you know what you want out of life?  Do you know where you want to be 90-days from now, 1 year from now, or better yet five years from now?  What are your desires? 

Do you want to hit the millionaire status in life?
Do you want to meet the ideal person?
Do you want to enhance or enrich your marriage?
Do you want to get promoted at work? 
Do you want to start that business?
Do you want to travel the world? 

What do you want?  The first step in achieving any major goal in life is to CLEARLY DEFINE what it is you desire.  So let's get started.  It's time to state what you want, where you want to go, and develop a plan to get there.

Your success coach,

Please contact our office if you need coaching assistance
Office:  (703) 873-7086


Do you surround yourself with people who give you strength, inspire you, and motivate you to want to do better?  Unfortunately, so many people have as their “core group” individuals (or so called friends and associates) who are negative towards them, resentful and extremely critical of them.   It’s almost like having your ‘enemies’ at your side throughout the day.  Let me define “core group” for you.  These are the people that we speak to or hang around with on a regular basis.  These are the people who we allow to give us their opinions on almost any and everything in our lives.  When it comes to choosing who you let into your “core group” you had better make sure that there is no envy, distrust, bitterness, or latent agenda there.  In other words, make sure that person LIKES you as much as they say they LOVE you.  I always say that it is a big advantage to be cognizant of the fact that a person does not “like you” or care for you because you can make it a point to stay out of their path.  However, when we open up the floodgate and allow individuals into our core circle, we then give them access to our personal feelings - our minds, our hearts,  our thoughts - and they in turn, feel that they can say whatever they please ‘to us’ about us. . … and this is not always a good thing. 

Someone who should not be in your inner core circle is a person who:
(1)    Is negative, condescending, talks about others, and don’t have plans for their future.
(2)  Brings back negative gossip to you – on a regular basis- about what others are saying about you.
(3)  Demonstrates time after time that there is a hint of jealously in the relationship.
(4)  Always speaks about limiting thoughts and how things will probably never change. 
(5)  Tells you what is not possible for you based on their experiences and that of other people they know.
What you have to do instead is to surround yourself with people who give you strength and inspire you!  Surround yourself with individuals who have “converted” their way of thinking to a positive mindset.  Remember, we should only be focusing on the positive aspects of life.  You should only focus on what you actually want to happen in your life, instead of what you do not want.  So I guess it’s now time to ask you today’s big question, and it is this:  Who are your top 4 – 5 closest friends, associates, coaches, and/or advisers that are active in your life?  In other words, who has access to your ear and your heart ….. whose words, thoughts, ideals, and concepts are you allowing to penetrate your mind?  Who are you aligned with mentally?  Oh, I bet you never thought about that one.  But hear me when I say this:  The people that you allow into your personal circle – friends, family, associates - are the ones who will have a major impact on your future success.  They are the people who will either bring you down, or build you up.  So which do you have?  Do you have negative minded people in your circle that focuses on your weaknesses rather than on what you have become?  Are there individuals in your core circle who always seem to find a way to remind you - on a daily bases- of your shortcomings?  Or, do you have people who inspire and motivate you to keep going in spite of the challenges?  I always say, "You are only as strong as the weakest link in your chain"(your core circle that is).  Accordingly, it is crucial to your future success path that you align yourself with positive minded people and only allow into your “core circle” those individuals who like you as a person and are also on some sort of a journey to success themselves. 

Take some time right now and form your core support circle.  Identify 4 – 5 people who will inspire, support, and help you on your journey to success.  Eliminate those people who are critical of you, who are negative thinkers, complainers, stuck in the past and refuse to upgrade their mindsets.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t be friends with these types of people, however, I am advising you that you should not have them in your ear on a regular bases.  

My Core Circle:
(1)   _______________________________________________
(2)  _______________________________________________
(3)  _______________________________________________
(4)  _______________________________________________
(5)  _______________________________________________

To your success,


.... Always believe that you deserve nothing but the best.
Accept Nothing Less!  

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy
The Prescription To Reach Abundant Success


Here are some Major characteristics of successful people.
  1. Successful People do what unsuccessful people are NOT willing to do.
  2. Successful People Perform Simple Daily Disciplines
  3. Successful People make Positive Use of the Infinite Network
  4.  Successful People do not feel sorry for themselves or others.
  5.  Successful People provide the road map for others to follow.
  6.  Successful People question their way to the top.
  7.  Successful  People have a mission statement (a vision), which they review daily, and perform their daily actions accordingly.  This falls squarely into goal-setting. Always know where you are going in life.
  8.  Successful People know when to inspect what they expect.
  9.  Successful People are masters of empathy, rather than sympathy.  There are differences between the two.                         ---Sympathy is knowing how someone is feeling in a certain situation by becoming a congruent match for the other person’s state. Sympathy is akin to trying to rescue a drowning person by jumping in with them.                                     ---Empathy is knowing how they are feeling without being sucked in with them.  Empathy is similar to rescuing them by offering a life preserver.
  10.  Successful People are masters of the mundane.  Every great venture or enterprise is built upon fundamentals. In order to be wildly successful in anything, you must first master the basics.
  11. Successful People make their primary associations with like minded successful people.
  12. Successful People are always a part of Mastermind Groups. 
  13. Successful People learn to model those that have the success they seek.  Modeling is by far the most powerful success strategy there is. Rather than trial-and-error to get where you want to go, why not build on the already-done trial-and-error that today’s successful people have done?
  14. Successful People respect the value of their own dreams and goals, and know where they are going in life. 
  15. Successful People believe in the power of continuous Personal Development.   
Which of these characteristics do you still need to work on?  

Send me an email and let me know.

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy


Are you still excited about all of the possibilities for your 2017?   This year is filled with possibilities for the future.  As a psychologist and prosperity coach I often ask individuals that I come into contact with this question, "What is your definition of success?"  I ask this question as often as I can because it's so very important to realize that we will not achieve what we want out of life until we clearly define what it is that we desire.  In other words, you need to know what success looks like to you so you can determine how to get there.  And the route to getting there is by setting appropriate goals that will both inspire and stretch you to the next level in life.  Since this is a new year, I would be remiss if I did not give you some basic strategies to prepare for the future you desire by setting some appropriate goals.

Benjamin Franklin knew the value of preparation, he once said, “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail.”  Planning and preparation are essential ingredients to success and will give you a 10-times greater chance to achieve your goals. It will reduce wasted time and effort, while improving and maximizing results. Goal-setting strategy is generally accepted as one of the most valid and useful motivation techniques in personal development, and much of goal-setting research is connected to motivation in sports and business management. Know that an effective goal is whatever, YOU decide is important to you - not what I, or anyone else desires for you.  Goal-setting is the process of setting targets for accomplishment; including WHAT you desire, HOW you plan to accomplish it, and WHEN you will complete the objectives.  Goal-setting is so powerful because it will provide you with focus. It a way to shape your dreams, and will give you the ability to hone in on the exact tasks and actions you will need to perform, in order to achieve the things you desire in life. Goal-setting done the correct way is a method to prepare you for when the opportunity comes. 
Some major benefits of goal-setting are:
1)  It serves as a tool to motivate you and will increase your energy level;
2) It can relieve boredom by always giving you something to focus on;
3) It outlines exactly what you are expecting out of life, and puts drive and passion into your life;
4)  It gives you direction in all areas of your life – personal, career, spiritual, and relationship; which will give you purpose in life and help you to be less stressed;
5) It will help you get closer to reaching self-actualization.
Not having goals is similar to sailing a ship across the Atlantic without a map.  Goals, like maps, help you to get to your destination much faster than sailing through life aimlessly. Actually, the most current research on goal-setting demonstrates that establishing clear-cut goals and a clear road map to accomplish those goals WILL in fact, contribute to a greater chance of achieving those goals and living a better life, and this is why goal-setting is so important to us as psychologists and success coaches.  Your goals must be clear, otherwise your subconscious mind will flounder. If you skip from one goal to another, your effort will be inefficient and counterproductive. Some examples of some great goals to work towards include:
  • A Better job
  • Improved Self-esteem  
  • A New house
  • Financial independence
  • Enhanced Health & Wellness
Your goals should be set in four major categories: 
     (1)  Self-Development / Educational Goals
     (2)  Relationship / Family Goals
     (3)  Career / Business Goals
     (4)  Financial / Prosperity Goals

Here are the seven basic steps to goal setting:
Step 1:  Write your goals down on paper
Develop a goal mission statement for yourself.  Your goals should be SMART, which is it should be specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and have a time frame for completion.  The goal should be specific enough so that you know exactly what you are striving for, measurable so that you can tell exactly when the goal has been reached, action oriented to indicate that an activity will produce results, and realistic in that it is practical ad can be achieved. 
Step 2:  Visualize the results of the goals and dreams in your mind.
Visualize where you want to go.  Imagine and think about how you would feel while living out your dream. Cut out pictures from magazines of the things you want and make a dream board for yourself.  Include pictures of all the places you want to go, the career you want to be in, and the material things you want to acquire. Visualize your goals as already accomplished, and close your mind to contrary thoughts.  You have to visualize your goals with the feelings of happiness, inner peace and joy.  By visualizing the results, the subconscious mind begins to work out the details of how it will actually be accomplished. Ideas and solutions will begin popping up from nowhere.  When you make a decision and begin focusing on achieving a specific goal, the powerful subconscious mind goes to work toying with ideas and developing strategies. 
Step 3: Define the goals in terms of behaviors & actions and list the goals as something measurable.
Determine what you will need to do to make your dream become a reality.  Express it as something that can be seen or quantified. Create a list of important things that need to be done in order to achieve the goal.   
Step 4:  Divide your goals into do-able steps.  
Goals without action steps are just fantasy dreams.  To achieve any goal it needs to be broken down into do-able smaller steps.  Now you will need to go back and break down each of the goals into small manageable tasks and actions that can be integrated into your life and daily schedule.
Step 5: Identify the People and Resources you will need to help you reach your goals. 
Determine what are the seminars and/or training CD’s that you can learn from to help you further create the mindset to reach your goals.  Who are the people that can help you grow?  Identify the people and resources and write them down. 
Step 6:  Set a timeline or time frame to achieve the goal
A goal is a dream with a date attached to it.  Until you assign a date for completion, they are just fantasy dreams.  So be sure to stamp a target completion date on all of your goals.
Step 7:  Take Effective Action
Now it is time to connect your thoughts with personal action!  As you start to move towards your goals, your dreams will start to move towards you.  Every thought that you think will send out a wave pattern and the subconscious mind will move into action. 
Written goals are a major part of success!  It’s time to get your mind in the right place to achieve your dreams and goals for 2011.  If your mindset is not in the right place then it’s time for you to study more, read more, hire a success coach and fight to become the person you want to be.

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Your success coach,

Dr. Amy