Thursday, January 23, 2020


A Review of the Manifestation Millionaire Training Program

I realized that a lot of people have no idea how powerful their minds are, and even those who do are often completely clueless as to how to use their subconscious mind to manifest the amazing life they desire. In most cases, we are stuck in a cyclical pattern, and have been told subconsciously to be content living in it. To make matters worse, we are often told we have no control over our lives.

I believe the The Manifestation Millionaire course is a celebration of human potential and a powerful mindset transformation that can be leveraged to create more inner peace, abundance, and financial security.  It takes a unique approach with the Law of Attraction —by showing you how to manifest prosperity, love and happiness, using your deepest inner thoughts and self-awareness. It includes amazing personal growth concepts, new mind-transformation methods and specialized manifestation techniques The methods in The Manifestation Millionaire utilize the power of your mind and subconscious habits to materialize your thoughts and desires into reality.

Manifestation Millionaire's Mindset
The Manifestation Millionaire course teaches that the first step towards a positive future is changing your mindset, and the old perception you have of the reality of your environment. This changes the way you comprehend everything around you. This step is—as Darren points out—the first in becoming a prosperous individual.
The initial transformation that takes place inside a person’s mind will dictate the amount of prosperity the person will be able to eventually attract, and manifest into reality. Though this may seem difficult, it’s simply a series of steps which are clearly laid out and easy to follow. These steps help with breaking your old neural pathways, in order to form new realities.  In order to break free from the shackles of your old reality mindset, you need to begin by changing a lot of the neural pathways that have formed since you were a child. These neural pathways come from years of experiencing fear, pain, limitations, shortages and scarcity… some of which you have subconsciously “inherited” from our environment

What's It All About?
I enjoyed this training because it’s not just about theories and concepts. Darren’s unique manifestation methods include applicable techniques and strategies for real transformation, and for changing our perception of money to create more prosperity.  Things that seem impossible can happen—and he uses science and facts to show you exactly how this is done. This is unlike a lot of the manifestation nonsense out there that relies on wishful thinking for a better future.

Pros of the Program
This training is a unique self-help program that aims to rewire your thoughts. It also contains an amazing manifesting method to achieve what you want from the universe. Unlike other training that share the same theme, this one does stay true to reality and attempts to bridge the gap between your old ideas, and an abundant new reality you can create for yourself.  It actually teaches you a method that will show you how to avoid your recurring mistakes, and how to free yourself from all the obstacles standing between you and your goals. In addition, I believe the techniques help to communicate directly with your subconscious mind, which wants to keep you save.  However, this training program has a way of helping you to free yourself from limitations and a scarcity-conditioned mind, and instead allow yourself to create wealth and abundance. Does it work? The short answer is, “Yes,” but it requires you to understand and follow specific instructions.        

You have to have a bit of faith that this is something that will work for you. There’s a lot of encouragement, and Darren holds your hand as you go through this journey, but if you’re skeptical from the start then it’s something that won’t work. In other words, you must be committed to making it work for you.

Okay, So you might be asking What Can It Do for Me?
The Manifestation Millionaire is intended to quickly help you turn around your current situation. It shows you that if you only focus on certain goals, you can keep distractions and negativity at bay. While there are a lot of self-help products that tackle this subject, one great thing about The Manifestation Millionaire program is that it is almost entirely made up of applicable action steps, rather than the usual empty rhetoric and theories.
                                      Check out the Program Here 

So What’s Included?
The program includes prosperity mindset training, affirmation products, manifestation guides and a 5 minute audio pack. It also has a 60-day money back guarantee, and is one of the highest-quality mindset training courses that I have been a part of, or have not taught myself.    

In Summary:   Dr. Amy Recommends This Product
Rating: 4.8/5 (Worth every penny invested)
All in all, I highly recommend The Manifestation Millionaire training program to those people who want to transform their lives for the better. It teaches you an effective and proven way to get the things that you desire using the power of the Law Of Attraction, without the need for expensive mind-reprogramming products. It is a powerful training course that aims to help individuals to accelerate their success, and have more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Your Success Coach,
Dr. Amy Hymes

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

How to Set and Achieve Business Goals

Do you have a desire to start a small business endeavor in 2020?   

It's important to have real, specific goals in your business. These goals can be financial, personal, or simply involve an aspect of your business ("build an effective website" for example). It can sometimes seem overwhelming to determine goals, and even more overwhelming to think of achieving them. Here are some tips on doing both of these.

1. Set the goals

How do you set business goals, anyway? As you sit down to determine your goals, here are some things to keep in mind that may help.

* Money - How much money do you need? Have a number here - $1500 a month? $100 a week? $50,000 a year? Financial goals are very different for everyone. Just make sure you have a real number. You might want to set two financial goals - long-term and short-term.

* Strategy - As you develop a strategy to reach your goals, you will have goals within that strategy. For example, if your goal is to start your own small business making hand-sewn handbags, then your strategy may be to make ten handbags to have available before beginning and to sell all ten in your first month.

Within this strategy, there are steps - you will need to schedule in the time it takes to make the handbags, and determine the amount of money needed to buy the materials. Then you may also need to set up a website and post ads to get the word out. Even within these steps are more steps - setting up a website involves multiple steps, as does advertising. Break everything down into small, specific steps and look at it on paper.

* Time - Be honest about how much time you have. So many times it's tempting to set goals we can't reach because we just don't have a grasp on how much (or how little) time we have. Also, hours on paper seldom work out exactly right in real life - you need some breaks (no one is a machine), and life happens.

For example, if your kids are in school from 8am to 3pm, you may think you have seven hours to work that day. But if you're honest, it may be more like five by the time you factor in lunch, bathroom trips, driving to and from the school if you drive your kids, and so forth.

2. Achieve the goals

If you have been honest in the above exercises, achieving your goals will be much easier and likely. Still, you can be as detailed and careful as you want on strategy lists and such, and still have trouble reaching your goals. So it may help to keep the following in mind.

* Keep track - Keeping a record of your business ventures, expenditures, income, and overall progress toward your goals can help you get a handle on how well you're doing. This can also help you see areas in which you need to improve, and areas where you excel.

* Accountability - Some sources suggest an accountability partner, goal buddy, or whatever you want to call someone who holds you accountable for reaching your goals.

* Marketing - It is important to have a marketing plan. How will you get your name out? How will you tell people you are open for business? This is an important component to any business goal.

Your Success Coach,
Dr. Amy Hymes

How to Use Visualization to Achieve Success

There is a lot of talk about visualization these days, and it may seem confusing. It's more than daydreaming, different than meditation, and not a religious belief. Here is a brief explanation of visualization and how it's used.

What Is It?

Visualization involves seeing yourself in certain situations with the expectation that the scenario will happen in real life. When you engage in visualization, you concentrate on something you want to achieve and imagine yourself achieving it. Some say this exercise heightens your awareness of those things around you that pertain to your visions. This is said to make you more apt to recognize opportunities and so forth.

Sources say that the brain is wired so that you become what you focus on. This explains, in part, why people can be so determined not to engage in a certain behavior that they end up engaging in it. They were so focused on what they didn't want to do that they ended up doing it. Proponents of visualization take advantage of this mental process and turn it into something positive.

How Is Visualization Used?

Visualization can, technically, be used to achieve anything you like. However, it is generally applied to several main life circumstances and situations.

* Relationships - It is said that visualization can help relationships. Perhaps you could envision yourself in a successful marriage, or meeting your soul mate. Maybe you can visualize improving an existing relationship. Maybe you have dreams for your family relationships, and could use visualization to achieve a more harmonious home. 

* Business - A lot of successful businessmen and women attribute their success to visualization, at least in part. Visualizing business success has been credited with increased income, more clients, and a strong sense of self-confidence.

* Self-Image - Visualization can be used to attempt improving your self-image. Using visualization techniques, you can imagine yourself as a confident, competent, popular person. Hopefully, these dreams will then begin to play out in real life, starting a cycle of continuing boosts to your self-esteem.

How Do You Do It?

When you practice visualization, there's a bit more involved than just daydreaming. When you seriously visualize the hopes of creating life changes, you need to be specific in your goals and imaginings. Your visualizations are supposed to be targeted toward those specific goals. Visualization infuses more energy, focus and vividness into your dreams.

When you visualize reaching your goals and dreams, you are meant to imagine the very smells, sounds, and feelings that surround the scenario. The brain is said to blur the line between observing something in real life and something imagined, enhancing the possibility that the scenario will come true. 

Your Success Coach,
Dr. Amy Hymes