Have you ever wondered how you can get a leg up on the competition when it comes to getting promoted on your job? Well let me tell you, if you want to get promoted in Corporate America today, you must develop a plan of action and take the time to learn the process and the strategies to get you to the top.
To get the edge over the competition today, employees are left with no choice but to add value to their qualifications with important skills that exhibit their true potential. What we are seeing in the workforce today is an overall development and expansion of the individual employee. Today, you have to be able to “show” and “tell” what you can do in order to stand out from the crowd. In the past these all important advance skills or what we call “soft skills” were acquired over a lifetime through trial & error. However, in the workforce today, we are seeing a major shift in what is considered the norm. Today, many well-informed and “progressive-minded” people are taking charge of their own careers and taking the smart step up the corporate ladder by mastering their soft skills or “people skills” – through training seminars, conferences, and one-on-one coaching engagements conducted by companies like mine. They are utilizing new strategies to position themselves to rapidly move up the corporate ladder when the opportunity presents itself. Can you believe people are actually strategically planning their promotions and moves up the corporate ladder well in advance?
Documented studies conducted by Harvard University and Stanford Research Institute, report that technical skills & knowledge contribute to only 15% of an individual’s success; while soft skills make up the remaining 85%. Isn’t that amazing? This evidence has supported the human resources stand of “people” skills, being the first point of impact when two individuals meet.
So what I am saying here is that you can actually get ahead in your company by developing your soft skills or “people skills.” Soft skills are defined as: personal attributes that enhances an individual’s relationships, job performance, and future career projections. These are competencies such as:
· Effective Communication Skills & Active Listening,
· Self-Management & Emotional Intelligence;
· Team Building & Conflict Resolution;
· Becoming Politically Savvy; and
· Exercising Leadership - just to name a few
Unlike hard skills or “technical skills,” which tend to be specific to a certain type of job or task, soft skills are what will get you promoted and noticed. To learn these skills, you may need to change your mindset just a bit, and I recognize that any type of change can be a challenge. But if you want to move up on the corporate ladder, then you must be willing to do it! Because if you are one of those people who still believe that the “senior” person or the most “talented” person is the one getting promoted within companies today, then it’s time to give you a wake-up call. (Come in and listen up ... here's some free advice: you are probably NOT the person getting selected for the high-level promotions within your organization because you do not stand out from the bunch with a helping attitude; your communication skills are probably not strong, and/or you are not known by upper management. Moreover, you are probably still under the unrealistic expectation that you should get promoted because you are the most senior person in the department. Well, let me tell you, it is not reality! Being competent at your job is only a small factor in the promotability equation; remember everyone else is probably just as knowledgeable as you. Accordingly, you must find a way to stand out from the crowd and add value to your department and the organization.
As I evaluate my client organizations and look around to see who actually gets promoted within organizations, I have noticed that it is not always the smartest person. Rather, it is often the person who is best known and most LIKED within the organization. Yes, you heard it right, the people getting the big time promotions today are the ones willing to play the promotional “political” game. Here’s the secret: To successfully win at the promotions game, you must first learn how the game is played and what techniques & strategies it takes to win. Your challenge along the way will be to:
§ Adopt a new success mindset about the process;
§ Refine your strategic moves and soft skills along the way; and
§ Have someone else- within the organization- to be a champion for you.
Remember, in today’s work environment, it is not just what you know, it is, “ What you know - combined with WHO knows you!!!” Yes, believe it or not, in order to climb the corporate ladder and actually GET PROMOTED.….. “several” people must know you & the quality of your work. You must find people who can actively champion your work – and this is how people are being recognized and promoted within organizations today. They find managers and leaders who can promote them and get the word out about their skills, abilities, and can-do attitudes. In view of this, you have to learn how to aggressively network your way through your organization to get the attention of key decision-makers and upper management!
Here are my top ten recommendations to get promoted in your career :
(1) Start with a change in mindset
a. First, recognize and accept that you will need to make a few changes in your mindset, behavior, and actions
b. Develop strong soft skills-i.e, communication skills, emotional intelligence skills, and active listening skills.
c. Become a master at conflict resolution and helping to solve other people’s problems
(2) Determine where you want to be on the corporate ladder, and then develop a specific plan to help you to get there!
(3) Focus on your personal development & growth:
a. Have a formal 360-degree assessment review to get feedback from your boss, your peers, your customers, and friends on your strengths and areas that you may need to improve in and/or work on.
b. Develop the attitude & attributes that upper management looks for in their top talented employees.
· Become big picture focused;
· Think corporate culture;
· Think team instead of “I;”
· Be able to think on your feet;
(4) Become politically savvy. Start acting the part and dressing like the person you want to become.
(5) Be willing to take on more responsibility and excel at customer relationships and customer service
(6) Have someone within the organization to be your champion
(7) Find out what people in the position(s) you desire DID to get to where they are.
a. What training classes did they take?
b. What types of stretch assignments did they volunteer for?
c. What positions did they have prior to prepare them for the seat they are sitting in now?
d. Who did they use as a mentor or coach?
(8) Volunteer to do “STRETCH ASSIGNMENT” or to work on other projects within your organization so you can work with people from different departments. This is vitally important because you want to allow as many people as possible to get to know who you are and what level of work you are capable of.
(9) Encourage & Motivate Yourself. Learn how to sell or ‘promote’ yourself in any given situation, while maintaining a high level of personal integrity at the same time. Keep this in mind: Motivation is the fuel you’ll use to power yourself up the corporate ladder. You’ll also need to know how to communicate your ideas in crisp, concise terms along the way.
(10) Hire a success coach or executive coach to help you map out your success plan and get you trained up and developed for the next big promotion at your organization.
I look forward to hearing about your successes on your job and in your business.
Your success coach,
Dr. Amy
Psychologist | Personal Development Expert | International Trainer
I am here to help when you need my assistance. Contact my office at (703) 873-7086 or via email at dramy@amyhymes.com to learn more about our Corporate Coaching Packages - You will be elated with the results of one-on-one performance coaching!
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Business coaching is a new phenomenon that has developed into a movement in the corporate world, which facilitates behavioral and psychological changes in the executives to better their managerial styles. The basic aim of business coaching is to make corporate personnel aware of their impact on others, learn how to motivate subordinates and to create a positive rapport. Visit More
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