Thursday, March 31, 2011

Self-Help: A Message of Hope: What I Know For Sure

... a passage written to me from a dear friend

You know sometimes we find ourselves adrift, going aimlessly in one particular direction, until someone comes along and provides us with a specific path or simply open your eyes to possibilities.  I now realize that it is indeed easy to see when there are no obstacles in your way.  When the fog is thick your vision is limited.  It is at that time that we should reach out beyond our comfort zone and try to visualize what is on the other side, or try to imagine what it would be like to have a clear vision of things to come, verses an unclear mind of the world we should leave behind, or in reality what we call our own.   Well, these past few months have been an eye opener for me.  No one has to tell me to change my five year plan, and no one has to tell me what to want for in my future because you seem to have provided that bright light or should I say that "energy" to look beyond the boundaries we set for ourselves.   You have helped me to realize that it is not okay to accept below average behavior; but rather be willing to release ourselves from the past when the timing is upon us. 
Thank you for giving me hope again, and for providing the spirit to soar and free myself of individual ties.  I now realize that today I have a way of doing things that may need renewing, but provides hope for me.  I can now tell myself, "There is nothing wrong with walking a path of hope, instead of focusing only on what' s not right, or what is not working for me.” Because, when you do this, you can lose yourself in negative thoughts and words from the past.  From you Amy, I have learned that my thoughts and actions will always be ingrained inside my head when I travel down my own desired path.  I now know that living, feeling, touching and seeing is by far greater than any visual aspect one can dream of.  I am willing to walk that walk, feel that feeling and awake to that which has been locked away and protected for far too long. I now realize, without a doubt, that it is not fare to self to hold that which we love so much, and want to experience, tucked away waiting on time.    What I do know for sure, is that we tend to lose and change ourselves so much that we forget that true happiness is indeed possible. Our past should be left in the past!  We cannot revert back to those days because with age should come wisdom.  We are much older now and should be able to get on with our lives.  It's time to change!  I now know that it's time to make some positive changes in my life.  This discovery of a new me is like being an adolescent all over again; growing, stretching, changing, and becoming the true me. 

I look forward to new approaches and new thoughts on life and the greatness of me to come. 
Amy, thanks for helping me see the light and believe in HOPES and DREAMS again.    
More to come... 

To you my dear friend, and to all of my other friends, clients, patients, associates, readers, and colleagues; I say to you today, "Never stop chasing your dreams."  What I know for sure is that life is not to be lived in the past. We all have an option as to what we think, who we love, how we develop, and where we end up in life.  Just remember to always follow a success blueprint that makes sense!

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy  

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