Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Power in Numbers, Go Out and Vote!

Today is November 2, 2010 and it is time to go out and cast your vote.  Although I will be supporting the Democratic Party it doesn’t matter much to me who you vote for as long as you get out there and let your voice be heard.  Casting your vote is vitally important because you can help determine not just the outcome of this election, but our country's future.

On yesterday, I received an email from President Obama's camp reminding me that
“You made the difference in 2008. Now, once again, you can defy the conventional wisdom that says you can't overcome the cynicism of our politics; you can't overcome the special interests and the big money; you can't tackle our biggest challenges. This movement has never backed down from a tough fight -- and we're not about to start. We've got to keep moving America forward -- but I need allies in office to make it happen. I need you to make sure you get at least three of your friends to vote with you -- it is simply the most important thing you can do to make sure we can keep bringing about change.  Because of you, there are families all across the country who will never have to choose between losing their home and treating an illness. Because of you, millions of parents can look at their kids and know the opportunity of a college education is within reach. Because of you, a business owner got a small business loan and is keeping her doors open. And because of you, thousands of our brave men and women are home from fighting in Iraq.  I know that even with these changes -- and the progress you've fought for -- too many families are still struggling. We have so much more to do. And that's exactly why America cannot afford to go back. We must continue to move forward, and the decisions voters make in your area will determine which direction this country takes for generations.  We want to keep taxes low for the middle class, so you can pay your bills.  We want to give tax breaks to American companies who create jobs and spur innovation right here in America, not make it easier for them to ship jobs overseas. We will fight efforts to privatize Social Security, and stop the other side from handing over the retirement savings of a generation to Wall Street.  We refuse to go back to the days when big oil and insurance companies wrote their own rules and ran up record profits, while you paid for it at the pump or faced bankruptcy as health bills piled up.”

So I’m going to leave you now as I go to my voting center to cast my ballot.  Make sure you go out and do the same! 

Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy


  1. I couldn't agree more Dr. Hymes. In 2008 we voted for change. Today we have to vote to defend those changes. Well spoken and thanks for the motivation.

  2. Sadly, I hope we (voters) don't get too caught up in instant gratification. We have to realize that it will take more than just two years to clean up some of the country's issues. There are still more on the horizon. It will be a long road; Obama said this in his acceptance speech and inauguration address. I try to remind my friends and family: give it more time. And I pray for the country. We all are a part of it, we are here and it is ours. When we stop taking part in the democratic process, yet complain about "the way things are", we have become lost and have forgotten the many, longer struggles people have had to endure to get us here.
