Friday, April 7, 2017



Success starts from a prosperous consciousness and positive mindset!  Many people want to change their lives and do something great but they just don’t know how to do it.  A major key to accomplishing great things in life is to develop a positive mindset and a success mentality.   A success mentality is a major foundation for being able to live an abundant lifestyle.  A mindset refers to a set of core beliefs or a way of thinking that affects and impacts our attitude and the decisions we make in life.  Our mindsets usually stem from our past conditioning and the environment we grew up in.  In other words, some people are still acting and behaving in an acceptable manner today because they never learned any better.  To be more precise, they were almost certainly never exposed to developmental opportunities or never taught how to develop a success mindset.   Or perhaps they just refuse to upgrade their thinking.  A person’s mindset may also get formed or shaped by strong religious teachings, military culture, an institutionalized environment, and by the outcome of major negative or positive outcomes in life.
Here are the differences between a negative, pessimistic, and scarcity mindset verses a positive, optimistic, and success mindset. 

Pessimistic or Scarcity or Poverty Mindset:
  • Negative and Fear-based
  • Lack or limited focused
  •  Always talking about your deficiencies, or what you don't have
  •  Pervasive nonconstructive or negative thinker
  •  Inflexible
  •  Cynical
  • Poverty conscious
Optimistic or Success or Prosperity Mindset:
  • Prosperity conscious
  • Wealth Builder
  • Enlightened Millionaire
  • Positive thinker
  • Willingness to grow, change, and develop
  • Resilient and more than a conqueror
  • Believe in abundance and the power of infinite possibilities
To be successful you must cultivate a success mindset and plant seeds of faith into your existence.  Words that correlates with a fear-based mentality are: scarcity, limited, poverty, negative thinking, fixed mindset, or crab mentality.  A scarcity or “poverty mindset“ is an attitude or a way of thinking that is said to perpetuate what you lacking because the focus is always on what you do not have rather than what you do. Thoughts and comments such as, "I’ll never be able to afford that," rather than thinking ‘how’ can I afford that.  Or, "I'll never have enough money for that" or “I don’t spend that type of money on myself.”   All of these comments may turn out to be self-fulfilling prophecies.   On the other hand, words that correlate with a success mindset are: prosperity, wealth, limitless, growth, millionaire mindset, infinite possibilities.  With a success mindset, your dreams and desires can be developed through persistence, diligence, hard work, perfect practice, and following a designed plan of action.  With a success mindset, people actually believe in possibilities and believe that they can learn, develop, and change overtime and attain the things in life that they desire.  With the correct mindset – a success mindset - you will be able to program your subconscious mind for prosperity.  Your brain will become turned on for success opportunities and you will be able to learn how to ignite or turn-on this internal switch in your mind that will help you to naturally attract the success you desire.  


So what type of a mindset do you currently have?  Prosperity or Poverty?  It’s never too late to change.  Learn how to develop a positive "success" mindset and be about your business.

Be Blessed!
Your Success Coach,

Dr. Amy

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